Thursday, 21 July 2011

The Urgent need For The Spirits Manifestation In Life.

When exploring the spiritualist traditions  shamanic mediumistic systems  that deal with the once living now physically dead spirits .Of palo , Quimbanda Voodoo and Santeria is the running theme feeling need of all spirits associated with these religions need manifest themselves in life still.This comes across in spirits need to still live life with ourselves walk among us none rested in communication to still teach the methods ideologies of a full life in and after DEATH. A lot of the time this explains fully the practioners need when invoking to transgress all things in physical life exploration of all things to pursue a life like the spirits without LIMITS to whole fullness of being .Possession therefore being a full exploration for the spirits of life in death manifestation also , of a way to still for them have a full life through us .These spirits on a low spirit level of being elemental not enochian or of higher celestial form that has never walked upon the earth , as the spirits of the physically dead wish to cling onto communication living upon the earth to be here as a gateway between this and our world. They have either the need to through a full life love of ALL, things good and bad transgressed to the highest level of fragile humanist imperfect qualities , the need hunger to feed upon life through us as living practioners through death ,the need to communicate of forfil a pact or full life they did not possess when living hunger to communicate , or a need to cling onto communication with loved ones after dead , either way the elemental fact is such spirits have not given up on life . So transgressed even through death they motive the need to still form links manifestations with life or experiences through for example sexual , violent extremes that prove a gateway of full untainted experiences of life of being LIVING.In their hunger of feeding upon all extreme human emotive aspects , life whether in the profane sense of the world good or bad as any form means of reflecting life the living into themselves.
To animate the blood and bones of the physically living as shells husks for their own forms of living inwardly outwardly even when dead a full life in the world.
Caution is needed for the none brave because in invocation all spirits have the same motivation to communicate live a fullness of life through others here on earth through all savage elements as well as softer to feed upon without constriction all forms of the human condition in its radiating ugly beauty to FEED to FEEL everything in divine understanding of their love of life.In living within the living , life landscapes of ourselves pushing smashing all human contradictions limitations the spirit is the libertine in his or her full form without limitations living a life without fear. Smashing all in narrowminded judgments morals to a FULL life of everything in a insatiable hunger of being through death able to push violently through to a manifestation of LIFE also.That in all spirits of a lower nature ie being once humans of this earth previously lays bear the need to in their world still even when dead continually manifest  live  in also in true human nature unrepressed fearlessness.
A hunger need for as spirits manifestation in LIFE.

Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Heal My Scars And Reconstruct Me Reborn In The Image Of The Gods

As practitioners in possession of self mutilation we often find eventhough we physically cut the flesh we hold no afterwards physical scars . This can be in ritualistic acts of physical cutting by knife or by life’s harsh experiences that after we have transgressed to a more divine knowledgeable enlightened state hold no mental scars or hang ups also. That it is as if we have experienced all these impacts and become reborn with the spirits , without scars in the image of divinity Lwa , Gede Or Pombia Gira Exu itself. That throughout all these transactions protected as children of such in giving ourselves wholly over in surrender to the lhp or spirits we can experience all these things without fear or repercussions as a divine act of death that leads to in purity rebirth.In my past of prositution violence inflicted upon my body , mind soul , I have no scars because my scars are healed in my commitment true purist communication with these spirits and I have experienced the violence destruction of DEATH annihilation of everything my ego , to be reborn without physical or mental scars reconstructed in rebirth of my purist form of enlightenment of knowing everything in the image of the GODS.Being reconstructed in the images of Gods is not to be associated with the profane conclusion of superiority or superior power instead it is the highest and lowest form of spiritual embodiment. In knowing everything in being reborn in humbleness naked without ego of knowing in life everything , of through such impacts upon our lives spiritual beings being able to use this as knowledge to be all things as in creation sex and destruction death beginning end with knowledge blessed like the spirits GODS.For these gifts experiences of the spirits gods given to the choosen initiated by them, our debts pact is honored physically in a thanking ritual of  being honored with rebirth on the 1st November  with offerings prayers of devotion at the start of the begining of the voudon new year . The day of the dead  dedicated to the Gede that is also the day of rebirth also.This is true enlightened reconstruction in their image of knowing all in the world in truth and accepting good bad , creative , destructive , on a equal line as valid beneficial in all forms of going past our own moralistic or inbreed dictions of acceptance of everything in radiating energy TRUTH as valid to our development spiritually and within our world. Through true soul devotion of experiencing the need to work on a lower aswell as higher spiritual level of the need accept life and death in full initiation of Gede for example. We can experience through cutting or the hardships of violence destruction inflicted upon our lives a blessed initiation by the Gede spirits. A none human initiated blessing ending with healed none existence scars of being reconstructed chosen by them of them penetrating with a knife then sealing themselves under the skin the soul , living within ourselves of a baptism ritual of initiation by the spirits also. In healing and sealing without scars themselves under the skin that is the body the temple which houses the soul and a higher conscious interaction understanding of such , the spirits physically and spiritually reconstruct ourselves in rebirth blessed in their image of higher consciousness.You have given everything and been chosen by them to walk a path of knowledge of all of knowing blessings and to never fear with them by your side. For most of the time destruction and rebirth is the most humbling experience and gives us as a gift the enlightened vision of knowing the vision of divinity the soul awakened fully in the world .To come naked in soul with pure intentions and ask the spirits to heal my scars and reborn reconstruct myself in the image of the GODS pure without ego in truth with them.

As practioners in possession of self mutilation we often find eventhough we physically cut the flesh we hold no afterwards physical scars . This can be in ritualistic acts of physical cutting by knife or by life’s harsh experiences that after we have transgressed to a more divine knowledgeable enlightened state hold no mental scars or hang ups also. That it is as if we have experienced all these impacts and become reborn with the spirits , without scars in the image of divinity Lwa , Gede Or Pombia Gira Exu itself. That throughout all these transactions protected as children of such in giving ourselves wholly over in surrender to the lhp or spirits we can experience all these things without fear or repercussions as a divine act of death that leads to in purity rebirth.In my past of prositution violence inflicted upon my body , mind soul , I have no scars because my scars are healed in my commitment true purist communication with these spirits and I have experienced the violence destruction of DEATH annihilation of everything my ego , to be reborn without physical or mental scars reconstructed in rebirth of my purist form of enlightenment of knowing everything in the image of the GODS.Being reconstructed in the images of Gods is not to be associated with the profane conclusion of superiority or superior power instead it is the highest and lowest form of spiritual embodiment. In knowing everything in being reborn in humbleness naked without ego of knowing in life everything , of through such impacts upon our lives spiritual beings being able to use this as knowledge to be all things as in creation sex and destruction death beginning end with knowledge blessed like the spirits GODS.This is true enlightened reconstruction in their image of knowing all in the world in truth and accepting good bad , creative , destructive , on a equal line as valid beneficial in all forms of going past our own moralistic or inbreed dictations of acceptance of everything in radiating energy TRUTH as valid to our development spiritually and within our world. Through true soul devotion of experiencing the need to work on a lower aswell as higher spiritual level of the need  as practioners to explore and accept life with death  ajoined in marriage in full initiation of Gede for example. We can experience through cutting or the hardships of violence destruction inflicted upon our lives a blessed initiation by the Gede spirits. A none human initiated blessing ending with healed none existence scars of being reconstructed chosen by them of them penetrating with a knife then sealing themselves under the skin the soul , living within ourselves of a baptism ritual of initiation by the spirits also. In healing and sealing without scars themselves under the skin that is the body the temple which houses the soul and a higher conscious interaction understanding of such , the spirits physically and spiritually reconstruct ourselves in rebirth blessed in their image of higher consciousness.That you have given everything and been chosen by them to walk a path of knowledge of all of knowing blessings and to never fear with them by your side. For most of the time destruction and rebirth is the most humbling experience and gives us as a gift the enlightened vision of knowing the vision of divinity the soul awakened fully in the world .To come naked in soul with pure intentions and ask the spirits to heal my scars and reborn reconstruct myself in the image of the GODS pure without ego in truth with them.

The uses of ritualistic impacts outward and inward violence in regards to working with the Gede.

When working with the Gede we find not only the roots of sexuality eroticism creation and destruction force death but also elemental earthy primeval violence aggression of mans spirit without constriction.The body is the temple in possession we cut our selves or other penetration to transgression to a higher experience of receiving mediumistic transmissions of allowing in our flesh ripped open the spirits to sexually penetrate us and live within our bodies to be walking spirit forms in a type transgression attributed to Gede Nibo intigated onto our own flesh bodies and  in intigated acts of violence upon other outward violence attributed  to Baron Kriminel.Knifes and penetrations cuts to the flesh are attributed to possession by both but also the idea of psychologically taking onto oneself actual force of the violence rape or rough sex in Nibo being the spirit of the murder victim , or those on the streets who have died through acts of violence is  submission  to violent acts infliction upon oneself, and the polar opposite attribute of Kriminel inflicting  he is the typical coldhearted Kray Brother gangsta sterotype , the crack dealer in the gettos , the inhumanistic  hitman with no affliction with humanistic nature , he unlike nibo is the protaganist whose violence domination upon others acts of outward projected violence .Note this is refelected in Kriminals uses in ritual to project death or violence upon enimies lives in return for devotion ,his collection of debts of others actions against his faithful.That in acknowledging both forms of transgression of our darker elemental character hidden occult ourselves to our more base true natures that can open up the gateways of experimentation with the attributes visions of such Lwas a divine higher mind state of ALL.In Baron Kriminel we devour bite the flesh for forced full consummation of the soul ,his spirit forced violently in climatic intercourse into our own in this savage union . When possessed in biting the flesh lays the metaphor for being fully consumed adjoined with the spirits and our animalistic lower though higher in being fully awake and aware lwa natures selves.In breaking the flesh with knifes or teeth allows us to let the spirits in to engage in full erotic intercourse with them , in a marriage of spirit and human body flesh , as a ceremony forging our commitment to such in penetration . Such acts seal a pact and if possessed , we can also act as  in a possessed  divine state , the initiator to lover on earth in for example biting the flesh or inflicted physical sexual extremes upon another , not in a s & m contrived sense of being to forfil mundane fetishes . But in a possessed state that transcends such and allows in these interactions full contact which transcends mundane perverse ideologies to through martyrdom submission our loved ones to be given the experience of the elemental roots of Lwa. Lwas espically Gede are in sexuality are fully formed in creation and destruction or annihilation whether it be of the ego our preconditioned selves spiritually or through physical acts of violence or DEATH . Though most importantly these elements energies spirits work on a level as givers but also takers of life .In that they work with polar opposites, that you must experience know ALL in a full existence of divinity and be aware of acknowledge know life but death also.This is a contradiction in many aspects of being ALL things , all extremes life the start , the end though such things represent all knowledge everything , and can not be just cornered off  or boxed off tidily ever to one particular experience , one aspect of life or our complex existences on a spiritual or earthly plane. In these two different Gede forms we find a way of being the executor murder protagonist in Kriminels attributes of being a enforcer bringer of violence a active force upon others to Gede Nibo that in this aspect is submissive or inflicting cutting upon our own bodies a way to experience being the aggressor and  in some aspects victim also by using such Gedes duality in experience of both oposing aspects of ritual.We in possession experience all things that are attributed to our true natures full human spiritual form.I talk about experience of such things in sexual ritual exchange because these are the most valid ways to tap into experience such forms of the eyes visions from the lwa because in such exchanges sex being creation and even in cutting the flesh that is penetration not erotically charged but works on the level of like sex being a form of unity through penetration to reveal our true souls , it is in its action a ideal tool to such trangressive states . In the fore mentioned interactions the most valid way when utilised properly ie not just for " titilation " to fully physically spiritually embody such states to a full enlightened understanding of our souls of being acknowledging all.That in this experiences like the Lwa that were at one time human beings before death , we transcend to the spiritual heights of being like they remain are in full knowlege   ,we develop into elemental divinty with full open inspired vision also.

Thursday, 14 July 2011

In the BASIC we find distanced from our own ego true spiritualist communication ,the basis of true spirit work

In any spiritual tradition before sex magick before metaphysical goetic thought the root of everything is establishing simple rooted spirit communication without sophisticated forms of contact , to forget the simple things like mediumistic contact that are the foundations to everything , without this our spirituality holds nothing and honouring such practices is a life long process that should never be lost or neglected in our quest for higher more intellectualised systems of practice and thought.In my mind the most important aspect of my work as a practitioner and in relation to my work as a artist is establishing spirit contact on a more grounded grass roots level.
In the ancestor shrine , we find ways to continually communicate with the dead to remember , it is a simple practice of a bowl of water , photos laid , candles lit but all we need to naked establish day to day communication with honouring communicating with the dead. With respect and remembrance and a simple practice that allows us a gateway to our spiritual world.Even when we are accomplished in whatever field of practice it is important that we never forget the most simplistic gestures of communication , ritual that truly in pure essence matter , that less is more in our work with the spirits and these things allow ourselves a solid base to build upon.In the ansestors shrine we not only find a important relationship with our heritage , our ancestor spirits but this also acts as a gateway to communication with other spirits based on the aspects of spiritualism , death , such as Gede , the lwa , nkisi, exu and pombia gira.All spirits as spirits of the dead are also ritualistically and spiritually connected with those in being one of the same of the ancestor shrine and I can’t place enough importance on practical relationships of simple rituals in the shrine mediation upon such as a form of true mediumistic contact over the western traditions of metaphysical goetic grimoire . Everyday prayer contact establishes on a regular basis true contact and a ongoing understanding of death which is one of the major aspects attributed to life and link to the understanding of the spirit. Things such as ritualistic spirit baths also are important to practice ,florida water , basil rose petals work as designated herbs to channel Ezili Danto and other herbs attributed to spirits and their likes dislikes apporiated through uses allow us in ritual to focus on spiritual contact . All these things sound amateurish in comparison with magical intellectualisation though to myself its always better to have a strong simple daily practice to the roots of spiritual work , than a million half baked complex theories practiced sporadically that with their intellectualisation hold no keys to proper rooted daily spirit communication. This is why like the ancestor shrine , I feel solid devotion shrines practices are also simple but important backbones to true practice and without these so called simple gestures you cannot have a mediumistic relationship or strong spiritual practice. Sticking to a tradition or practice of everyday week having a ritual of laying the ancestor shrine or spirit baths or  a devotional practice like simply lighting a candle solidly is important in establishing faithfulness to such spirits in having a solid relationship .You can not expect such relations flitting back and forth from different spirits or practices as you choose .So dedication to ritual builds up in its simplistic form, a true gradual communication with certain spiritual contact.In this form this why although often overlooked in the need for complex intellectualisation , we need to respect build up on the more simplistic forms of tradition learn such first to in a small way step by to establish spiritual contact today .Such things are often forgot about in a need to have the most complex forms of thought attached to higher spiritualist attainment , and viewed as less valid or more basic , but it  is in the basic we find distanced from our own ego true spiritualist communication ,the basis of true spirit work.

Sunday, 10 July 2011

The Breaking Of Pre Conditioned Gender Dynamics regarding Spiritwork.

What I have found mostly is the need to in most practitioners life associate themselves with a spirit of their profane gender. I started mainly working with Babalon , Pombia Gira , Maman Brigitte and Ezili Danto in my mediumistic spiritual practice. All these had in common not only the sexualised aspect whether it be in sacred prositution , sexual liberation of Babalon /Inanna , and pombia Gira or the animalistic raw association of primordial sexuality aspects of Maman Brigitte or Ezili Danto that embody these elements of sexual force , primal none idealised sexual strength.They also had the aspects of violence masculinated strength attached to Babalon /Inanna , pombia gira Ezili Dantos attachment to the ritualistic symbolisms of the knife , to cutting of the flesh devotional offerings of blood and maman Brigittes association with DEATH .All these spirits carried out masculinated acts of violence force , in that they were all transexualised in embodying all aspects of female softness beauty and masculine violence hardness strength .That they embodied all and crossed profane societial conventions of male and female gender stereotyping. All worked as female spirits on a level of creation in sexuality or as a female aspect of Ezili Danto dealing with fertility birth or Maman Brigitte as a Gedes association with her patronage of children and on the level of male destruction through death elements as seen in maman Brigitte or Pombia Giras association with the lost souls spirits of the graveyards.To myself these chosen spirits are not female , they are not just archetypes of strong women , they transcend all gender labeling of being only in physical appearance FEMALE to another level of like the conjoined dualist twins of Ifa being erogenous of not one gender , of being human nature at its full none gender specific enlightened divinity of embracing all.What I do find interesting is that most practioners do stick to working with believing a practioner can only be possessed by a spirit of their physical gender . Obviously when working with Choas magick, or luciferian currents in symbolism of for example of Sol niger , when working with not spirits universal energies , we find a certain form of asexual , none gender specific form of energy work through symbolism though this is exploration of devotional spirit practice in which the spirits are usually designated a specific gender to their attributions .This made me wonder start to question if a woman such as myself who as a artist and practioner works with what is more deemed traditionally or in societal terms as MALE , masculinated forceful energies , wouldn’t she be just as in most cases able to channel male spirits or spirits associated with this gender.That in this it would be if in her ideology , soul more masculine besides physical appearance of feminity , that is just a superficial shell of the body easier for her to be or just as easy for her to be ridden possessed by full maculated spirits also.It is said that as practioners we take on the characteristics of the spirits we work outwardly with , not in a superficial sense of if we are Gede wearing shades or Babalon wearing a short skirt or dying our hair red outwardly but the deep characteristics to our soul , to act out in such ways defined by these spirits , or to a live life’s of true experiences to a understanding inline with the myths of such dieties , for only then do we gain true indepth understanding , in as a practitioner being.This is how true divine inspiration works in the aline to work with possession all levels from the succinct living of it that goes unnoticed but is just as important to full on extreme possession states that are more sporadic.In that if psychologically we are as in my case born more male possession by spirits such as EXU and Gede Nibo would make sense also , that in alot of ways gender specific spiritualism has little to do with spiritually and more to do with enforced societal convention .There is no reason that a woman cannot be if born of a certain mental disposition be  fully possessed by a masculine energy or spirit in devotional and life practices inwardly . Even if like the transsexual inwardly possessing more affinity characteristics of the other gender.Spirit work in a lot of ways holds no gender , it is none gender specific in some aspects as all enlightenment is dualist in embodying all human traits.In spiritualism we have no conventions rules .Being as a woman possessed by spirits associated with lower male traits or masculinated acts of violence force , death such as the Gede , the Barons of voodoo or Exus of Quimbanda traditions ,can  also in practice allow a type of gnositic transgression ability to in knowing possession of these things first hand empowerment of working with knowing all , of utilising strong maculated aspects in absorption to ones advantage of with force knowing everything.In  the ability to inflict full purpose control on ones path and in this more radical less trodden path , we learn that are not any mediumistic rules dynamics regarding gender or the spirits ,that we embody and work with.